W imieniu Organizatorów serdecznie zapraszamy na piąty i ostatni wykład w serii AMU Invited Lecture Series in MODERN CATALYSIS 3, który wygłosi prof. dr Katalin Barta z Uniwersytetu w Grazu (http://bartagroup.org/people/k-barta/).
Wykład pt. „Embracing complexity in renewable resources: pathways towards bio-based products” odbędzie się we wtorek 06 lutego 2024 roku, o godz. 10.00, w Centrum Zaawansowanych Technologii UAM (sala D-111/4-6, pierwsze piętro).
Zainteresowania prof. Katalin Barta dotyczą przetwarzania różnych materiałów pochodzenia biologicznego tj. lignoceluloza, lignina, trójglicerydy, kwasy tłuszczowe czy cukry, opracowywania nowych ścieżek syntezy wartościowych związków organicznych bazując na tych materiałach, także z udziałem procesów katalizy homogenicznej i heterogenicznej. Profesor Barta jest laureatką trzech grantów ERC: ERC Starting Grant, ERC Proof of Concept i ERC Consodiator.
Prof. dr. Katalin Barta was born in Bratislava, Slovakia and completed her university studies in Hungary, and obtained her master’s degree at the ELTE – Budapest, under the supervision of Prof. István T. Horváth. Next, she obtained her PhD in 2008 with Prof. Walter Leitner in homogeneous catalysis, at the RWTH-Aachen, Germany. She then carried out post-doctoral research in the group of Peter C. Ford at the University of California, Santa Barbara where she co-developed the conversion of lignin and lignocellulose in supercritical methanol using Cu-doped porous metal oxides. Then she moved to the Centre of Green Chemistry at Yale University to work with Paul T. Anastas on topics related the valorization of lignin to bio-derived platform chemicals. In 2013 she started as tenure track Assistant Professor at the Stratingh Institute, University of Groningen and was promoted to Associate professor in 2017. At 2019 she assumed her position as Full Professor at the University of Graz, Austria, where she leads the unit Renewable resources and Organic chemistry. Under the umbrella of sustainable catalysis, her research broadly focuses on green chemistry and alternative reaction media, with special attention to the valorisation of renewable resources to achieve more sustainable value chains and access specific bio-based products (biofuels, polymers, biologically active molecules, surfactants).
She is recipient of several prestigious grants such as the ERC Starting Grant 2015, the ERC Proof of Concept Grant 2019, the EIC Transition Grant 2021 as well as the ERC Consolidator Grant 2023. Her awards include the first NCCC (Netherlands Catalysis Conference) Award in 2019, the ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering Lectureship Award in 2020 for her contributions to catalysis with renewable resources. Recently, she received the Styrian Innovation prize 2021 and the Phoenix Prize 2022 for her activities in the area of bio-based surfactants.
She is elected member of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE) and president of the EuChemSoc division of Green and Sustainable Chemistry and Chair of the Editorial board of ChemSusChem. She is in the advisory board of the journals ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering and Chem Catalysis.
Wizyta oraz wykład prof. Barty na UAM realizowane są przez Laboratorium Stosowanej i Zrównoważonej Katalizy Centrum Zaawansowanych Technologii, dzięki wsparciu programu Inicjatywa Doskonałości Uczelnia Badawcza. Dodatkowo, patronat nad wykładem objęła Komisja Nauk Chemicznych PAN Oddział w Poznaniu