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Wykład z cyklu AMU Invited Lecture Series in MODERN CATALYSIS 2 - Prof. dr. Belen Martin-Matute

W imieniu organizatorów serdecznie zapraszamy na czwarty wykład z cyklu AMU Invited Lecture Series in MODERN CATALYSIS 2, który wygłosi prof. dr. Belen Martin-Matute z Stockholm University w Szwecji (Link do strony grupy badawczej:

Wykład pt. „Catalytic Methods for C-H Functionalizations and Application to Late-Stage Diversification”
odbęczie się w czwartek, 16 marca 2023 o godz. 9.00 (na platformie TEAMS).

Link do spotkania: MS Teams

Prof. dr. Belen Martin-Matute od 2014 jest profesorem na Uniwersytecie w Sztokholmie. Jej zainteresowania naukowe dotyczą chemii organicznej, metaloorganicznej, katalizy homogenicznej i heterogenicznej. Doktorat uzyskała w 2002 roku w Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, a następnie odbyła dwa staże podoktorskie w Sztokholmie i w Madrycie. Z Uniwersytetem w Sztokholmie jest nieprzerwanie związana od 2008 roku. Prof. Martin-Matute jest autorką prawie 100 artykułów naukowych, publikuje w czasopismach tj. Chem, ACS Catalysis, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., ChemSusChem, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. Indeks Hirscha wynosi 43 (Scopus). Poniżej przesyłam krótkie CV prelegentki.

Prof. dr. Belén Martín-Matute was born in Madrid. She obtained her Licenciate in Organic Chemistry at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 1998. She then joined the group o Prof. A. M. Echavarrenf where she received her doctoral degree with sobresaliente cum laude in 2002 working on TM-catalysed reactions: intramolecular arylations and cyclisations of furans with alkynes. In 2003, she joined the group of Prof. J.-E. Bäckvall at Stockholm University for her postdoctoral studies where she worked on the dynamic kinetic resolution of sec-alcohols combining ruthenium and enzyme catalysts. She spent two more years in the group of Prof. J. C. Carretero in Madrid working on asymmetric catalysis. In October 2007, she returned to Stockholm University as Assistant Professor, where she became Associate Professor in 2012, and Full Professor in 2014. Belén Martín-Matute leads activities on the development of new catalytic processes to produce carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bonds. This includes converting water, carbon dioxide, and other renewable resources into chemical products without having to deal with hazardous intermediates. A very important aspect of her work deals with the synthesis of heterogeneous catalysts based on porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). In Belén Martín-Matute's research, sustainability is also prioritized by using environmentally friendly solvents and versatile, stable and structurally simple but yet effective catalysts. She received the Young Investigator Award from the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry / Sigma Aldrich in 2007, the Lindbomska Award from the Swedish Academy of Sciences in 2013, and the Göran Gustafsson (GG) Award by the GG Foundation.She currently serves as advisory board member for ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng.  and she is an advisory board member for Chem. Eur. J. Since November 2021, she is an associate editor for Organic Letters.

Seria wykładów poświęcona nowoczesnej katalizie realizowana jest przez Laboratorium Stosowanej i Zrównoważonej Katalizy Centrum Zaawansowanych Technologii UAM.


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