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Wykład z cyklu AMU Invited Lecture Series in MODERN CATALYSIS 2 - dr Sehoon Park

Serdecznie zapraszamy na trzeci wykład z cyklu AMU Invited Lecture Series in MODERN CATALYSIS 2, który wygłosi 
dr Sehoon Park z Wydziału Chemii Guangdong-Technion Israel Institute of Technology w Chinach 

Wykład pt. „Double Hydroelementation of N-Heteroarenes” 

odbędzie się za pośrednictwem platformy Teams, w czwartek, 9 lutego 2023 roku, o godz. 10.00.

Link do wykładu: MS Teams

Dr. Sehoon Park jest pracownikiem naukowym bardzo nowej jednostki badawczej w Chinach - Guangdong-Technion Israel Institute of Technology, która rozpoczęła swoją działalność w 2015 roku. Doktorat zrealizował w Tokyo Institute of Technology, a następnie odbył staż podoktorski w zespole prof. Maurice Brookharta w USA na University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 
Poniżej, krótkie CV prelegenta.

Sehoon Park was born in Seoul (Korea) in 1977. He received his PhD degree (2008) in chemistry from Tokyo Institute of Technology under the supervision of Professor Kohtaro Osakada and Professor Daisuke Takeuchi. He then moved to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to work as a postdoctoral fellow with Professor Maurice Brookhart (2009–2012). From April 2013 to February 2019, he worked at Institute for Basic Science (Korea) as a senior research fellow with Prof. Sukbok Chang an academic mentor. In early 2019, he became an assistant professor at Guangdong-Technion Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT), where he is currently an associate professor at the Department of Chemistry. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed papers and over 5 US patents in the area of synthetic organic chemistry. His interests are the synthetic and mechanistic organo(metallic) catalysis particularly involving cascade reduction.


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SEHOON_PARK_abstract_MODERN-CATALYSIS_2_3.pdf 1.02.2023 Malwina Gabryel
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