Prof. UAM dr hab.Waldemar Nowicki

- 2003: Dr hab.
- 1987: Dr
- 1977: Mgr
Portale naukowe:
- nanoparticles and colloids
- physical chemistry of polymer solutions
- adsorption of polymers and its effect on colloid stability
- structure of foams and emulsions
- wettability of surfaces, superhydrofobicity
1. W. Nowicki, The Longitudinal Superdiffusive Motion of Block Copolymer in a Tight Nanopore, Polymers(2020) 12(12), 2931
2. B. Hanysz, W. Nowicki, The capillary bistable switch constrained by pinning/wetting angles as a sensor of pressure, Eur. Phys. J. E (2019) 42, 113
3. W. Nowicki, The interfacial energy in the Cassie-Baxter regime on the pyramid decorated solid surface, Eur. Phys. J. E (2019) 42, 84
4. W. Nowicki, Electrostatic/entropic macromolecule manipulation in nanochannel. Swapping of macromolecule locations, J. Mol. Mod. (2019) 25, 269
5. W. Nowicki, Segregation of Ring Polyelectrolytes in Nano-Channel, J. Chem. Phys. (2019) 150, 014902
6. W. Nowicki, The coupled map lattice models of thin liquid film rupture,
Surface Innovations (2019) 7(2), 112-121
7. W. Nowicki, G. Nowicka, Conformation and elasticity of charged polymer chain bridging two nanoparticles, J. Chem. Phys. (2013) 139, 214903