ProfessorBogumił Brycki

Professor emeritus
- Google Scholar:
- Scopus:
- 1975 - M.Sc.
- 1979 - Ph.D
- 1997 - Habilitation
- 2019 - Professor
- Polish Chemical Society
- The American Chemical Society
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- The International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Society
Editorial Board Member:
- Molecules
- Journal of Food Science & Nutrition
Guest Editor:
- Special Issue in Molecules: Microbiocides Chemistry
- Special Issue in Molecules: The Chemical Immobilization and Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2
- Special Issue in Molecules: Drug Delivery Systems for Anti-infectious, Anti-inflammatory and Anti-cancer Agents
- Special Issue in Molecules: Microbiocides Chemistry II
- multifunctional gemini surfactants
- immobilization of viruses in hybrid materials
- chemistry of microbicides
- organic corrosion and biocorrosion inhibitors
- smart bioactive textiles
- B. Brycki, A. Szulc, M. Babkova, Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles with Gemini Surfactants as Efficient Capping and Stabilizing Agents, Applied Science, 2021, 11, 154.
- M. Mounesan, S. Akbari, B.E. Brycki, Extended-release essential oils from poly(acrylonitrile) electrospun mats with dendritic materials, Industrial Crops and Products, 2021, 160, 113094
- Y. Qiu, H. Yan, J. Wang, Q. Jiang, H. Wang, H. Peng, Y. Liao, X. Xie, B.E. Brycki, Concurrent helix extension and chirality enhancement for an artificial helical foldamer complexed with sterically hindered chiral molecules, Polymer, 2020, 188, 122-135
- B. Brycki, A. Szulc, H. Koenig, I. Kowalczyk, T. Pospieszny, S. Górka, Effect of the alkyl chain length on micelle formation for bis(N-alkyl-N,N-dimethylethyl-ammonium)ether dibromides, Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2019, 22, 386-392
- M.T. Garcia, I. Ribosa, I. Kowalczyk, M. Pakiet, B. Brycki, Biodegradability and aquatic toxicity of new cleavable betainate cationic oligomeric surfactants, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 371, 108–114
- O. Kaczerewska, B. Brycki, I. Ribosa, F. Comelles, M.T. Garcia, Cationic gemini surfactants containing an O-substituted spacer and hydroxyethyl moiety in polar heads: self-assembly, biodegradation and aquatic toxicity, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2018, 59, 141-148
- B. Brycki, A. Szulc, Gemini Alkyldeoxy-D-Glucitolammonium Salts as Modern Surfactants and Microbiocides: Synthesis, Antimicrobial and Surface Activity, Biodegradation, PLOS ONE, 2014, 9, e84936
- B. Brycki, M. Waligórska, A. Szulc, The biodegradation of monomeric and dimeric alkylammonium surfactants, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 280, 797–815