Assistant ProfessorArleta Sierakowska

Arleta Sierakowska. Ph. D. is a graduate of master's studies at the Faculty of Chemistry, specializing in biological chemistry. In 2013, she commenced PhD studies at the Faculty of Chemistry at Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM), and in 2015, she completed postgraduate studies in the field of forensic law, criminalistics, and related sciences at the Center for Forensic Sciences at the University of Warsaw. During her doctoral studies, she undertook two doctoral internships. In 2014, she completed a doctoral internship at the Department of Industrial Chemistry (DCCI) at the University of Genoa, and in 2016, she did an internship at the Criminalistics Laboratory Section of the Provincial Police Headquarters in Poznań.
Subsequently, in 2017, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled "Synthesis, spectroscopic analysis, and evaluation of the biological activity of new caffeine derivatives." Currently, she holds the position of an assistant professor at the Department of Bioactive Products at UAM and she is a member of the Local Committee for Animal Experiments in Poznań.
In 2023, she was awarded the Rector's team prize for her contribution to the chapter in the first textbook for forensic chemistry students, "Forensic Analytics." Additionally, she gets funding for a scientific project titled "Thiophene ring opening reaction as a tool for obtaining new caffeine derivatives" under the Miniatura 7 program by the National Science Centre (NCN).
- 2013 - M.Sc.
- 2017 - Ph.D.
- Member of the Polish Chemical Society
- Member of the Local Committee for Animal Experiments in Poznań
- Member of the Local Committee for Animal Experiments in Poznań (term: 2020-2024; 2024-2028)
- Member of the Electoral Commitee UAM (election 2024-2028)
- Synthesis and analysis of biological substances derived from alkaloids using:
- nucleophilic substitution at the C-8 positions of purine alkaloids and N-3/C-1 in indole alkaloids
- click chemistry reaction for the synthesis of new purine derivatives
- thiophene ring opening reaction using caffeine’s derivatives - Theoretically predicting biological activity (SQR) caffeine’s derivatives, and comparing to biological experiments (collaboration with the Faculty of Biology of Adam Mickiewicz University and the University of Life Sciences)
- Assessment of the impact on morphological changes in the cell using "cell painting" (collaboration with the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań, within Miniatura 7 NCN)
- Application of Head-Space and SPME techniques using GC/MS in forensics
- An alternative testing method to animal testing to investigate biological activities
The most important publications:
A. Sierakowska,B. Jasiewicz, Ł. Piosik, L. Mrówczyńska, New C8-substituted caffeine derivatives as promising antioxidants and cytoprotective agents in human erythrocytes Scientific Reports 13, 2023, 178.
N. Berdzik, B. Jasiewicz, K. Ostrowski, A. Sierakowska, M. Szlaużys, D. Nowak, L. Mrówczyńska, Novel gramine-based bioconjugates obtained by click chemistry as cytoprotective compounds and potent antibacterial and antifungal agents, Natural Product Research, 2023
DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2023.2261139
Kozanecka-Okupnik Weronika, Sierakowska Arleta, Berdzik Natalia [i in.], New triazole-bearing gramine derivatives–synthesis, structural analysis and protective effect against oxidative blysis, Natural Product Research, 2022, vol. 36, nr 13, s.3413-3419.
Jasiewicz Beata, Sierakowska Arleta, Metody identyfikacji osób ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem daktyloskopii W: Analityka Sądowa / Kościelniak Paweł [i in.] (red.), 2022, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, s.321-332, ISBN 9788301222253.
Jasiewicz Beata, Sierakowska Arleta, Caffeine and its analogs, antioxidants and applications W: Aging. Oxidative Stress and Dietary Antioxidants / Preedy Victor, Vinood Patel (red.), 2020, Academic Press, s.155-164, ISBN 9780128186985.
Jasiewicz Beata, Sierakowska Arleta, Jankowski Wojciech [i in.], Antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of new di- and polyamine caffeine analogues, Free Radical Research, 2018, vol. 52, nr 6, s.724-736
Lipke Agnieszka, Makarska-Bialokoz Magdalena, Sierakowska Arleta[i in.] Non-covalent interactions between thio-caffeine derivatives and water-soluble porphyrin in ethanol-water environment,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2018, vol. 192, s.304-311.
Sierakowska Arleta, Jasiewicz Beata, Pospieszny Tomasz, Mass spectrometry study of new polyamine derivatives of caffeine, Acta Chimica Slovenica, 2018, vol. 65, nr 4, s.795-800.
Jasiewicz Beata, Sierakowska Arleta, Wandyszewska Natalia [i in.], Antioxidant properties of thio-caffeine derivatives: Identification of the newly synthesized 8-[(pyrrolidin-1-ylcarbonothioyl)sulfanyl]caffeine as antioxidant and highly potent cytoprotective agent, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016, vol. 26, nr 16, s.3994-3998.