Associate ProfessorMariusz Pietrowski

Education and degrees
- 1993 – MSc
- 2001 – PhD
- 2012 – habilitation
- 2019 – AMU prof.
Dr. habil. Mariusz Pietrowski was born in Koźmin Wielkopolski, where he graduated from high school. He continued his education at Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in Poznań and after his graduation he began to work at the Faculty of Chemistry of the above University. In 2001 he was granted a degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences. In 2001-2006 he stayed three times at Henri Poincaré University in Nancy (France) as a postdoctoral fellow. In 2012 he received a degree of habilitated doctor. Dr. hab. Mariusz Pietrowski is an author and co-author of over 80 scientific papers which were cited over 700 times (according to Google Scholar). He is a member of the Polish Catalysis Club and the Polish Chemical Society.
From the very beginning of his scientific work, Dr. hab. M. Pietrowski has been involved in the activities of the Faculty of Chemistry, as well as in the life of the academic and student communities. This is proved by his membership in a number of committees. Dr. hab. Mariusz Pietrowski received several AMU Rector‘s awards for his scientific and organizational activities. His hobbies: astronomy and mountain climbing.
- Member of Polish Chemical Society,
- Member of Polish Catalysis Club,
- Member of European Federation of Catalysis Societies,
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Chemical Sciences discipline
- Supervisor of the Young Chemists’ Scientific Club at AMU (since 2012),
- Member of Committee for the Enrollment to Doctoral Studies (since 2014),
- Member of the Committee for AMU Doctoral School (since 2019),
- Public Labour Inspector of the Faculty of Chemistry,
- Member of the Rectorial Committee for Occupational Safety and Health.
Several AMU Rector‘s awards for scientific and organizational activities
- Heterogeneous catalysis; catalysis on metals; single-atom catalysis; synthesis and characterization of catalysts;
- New materials in catalysis (graphitic carbon nitride, NiF2, CoF2, MgF2);
- High-pressure microreactor flow methods in catalysis;
- Selective catalytic hydrogenation of organic compounds; CO2 methanation.
- E. Alwin, W. Nowicki, R. Wojcieszak, M. Zieliński, M. Pietrowski, Elucidating the structure of the graphitic carbon nitride nanomaterials via X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction techniques, Dalton Trans., (2020).
- E. Alwin, K. Kočí, R. Wojcieszak, M. Zieliński, M. Edelmannová, M. Pietrowski, Influence of High Temperature Synthesis on the Structure of Graphitic Carbon Nitride and Its Hydrogen Generation Ability, Materials, 13 (2020) 2756.
- N. Capece, A. Sadier, C.P. Ferraz, J. Thuriot-Roukos, M. Pietrowski, M. Zielinski, S. Paul, F. Cavani, R. Wojcieszak, Aerobic oxidation of 1,6-hexanediol to adipic acid over Au-based catalysts: the role of basic supports, Catal. Sci. Technol., 10 (2020) 2644-2651.
- Kiderys, M. Kot, E. Janiszewska, M. Pietrowski, C.-M. Yang, M. Zieliński, SBA materials as support of iridium catalyst for hydrogenation reactions, Catal. Today, 356 (2020) 178-186.
- M. Pietrowski, M. Zieliński, E. Alwin, I. Gulaczyk, R. Przekop, M. Wojciechowska, Cobalt-doped magnesium fluoride as a support for platinum catalysts: The correlation of surface acidity with hydrogenation activity, J. Catal., 378 (2019) 298-311.
- R. Kukawka, A. Pawlowska-Zygarowicz, J. Dzialkowska, M. Pietrowski, H. Maciejewski, K. Bica, M. Smiglak, Highly Effective Supported Ionic Liquid-Phase (SILP) Catalysts: Characterization and Application to the Hydrosilylation Reaction, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng., 7 (2019) 4699-4706.
- C.P. Ferraz, M. Zielinski, M. Pietrowski, S. Heyte, F. Dumeignil, L.M. Rossi, R. Wojcieszak, Influence of Support Basic Sites in Green Oxidation of Biobased Substrates Using Au-Promoted Catalysts, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng., 6 (2018) 16332-16340.
- M. Pietrowski, Recent Developments in Heterogeneous Selective Hydrogenation of Halogenated Nitroaromatic Compounds to Halogenated Anilines – Review, Curr. Org. Synth., 9(4) (2012) 470-487.
- M. Pietrowski, Selective hydrogenation of ortho-chloronitrobenzene over Ru and Ir catalysts in the conditions of aqueous-phase reforming of bioethanol, Green Chem., 13 (2011) 1633-1635.
- M. Pietrowski, Selective Hydrogenation of Unsaturated Functional Groups over Heterogeneous Ruthenium Catalysts, W: Ruthenium: Properties, Production and Applications
Editor: David B. Watson, pp. 85-124, © 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISBN: 978-1-61761-550-4.