ProfessorBogusława Łęska

Head of Environmental Physicochemistry Department
- 1991 – M.Sc.
- 1995 – Ph.D.
- 2008 – D.Sc..
- 2020 – full professor
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (AMU)
- 2020-2024 - member of the Academic Senate
Faculty of Chemistry, AMU
- member of Scientific council for the chemical sciences discipline;
- member of Dean's Council -Faculty of Chemistry, AMU
- member of Program Council - Faculty of Chemistry, AMU –
- Head of Department of Physicochemistry of the Environment
Polish Chemical Society (PChS)
- member of the Polish Chemical Society Main Audit Committee for the 2019-2021 term
- 1994 - Foundation for Polish Sciences – stipend for young researchers START;
- 1997 - award of the Polish Chemical Society for the best article published in “Wiadomości Chemiczne”;
- 2001 – stipend of Deutsche Forschung Gemeinschaft (DFG) - Universität Bremen (Germany);
- 2001 -2002 – stipend of NATO – Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy);
- 2007 – research stay - Università degli Studi di Milano (Włochy);
- 2008 - Wiktor Kemula award for the best habilitation dissertation in 2008 - Polish Chemical Society;
- 2014, 2015 – academic training (visiting professor) - South Kazakhstan State University M. Auezov, Shymkent (Kazachstan);
- 2017 – research stay - Erasmus Plus - Vilnius University (Litwa);
- 2018 – academic training - Scientific Research Center of Salt Technologies in Astana (Kazakhstan).
- analysis of the physicochemical properties and biological activity of substances contained in the biomass of plant materials;
- synthesis and analysis of new materials based on natural resources;
- modern extraction methods;
- bioactive compounds in plant extracts;
- the use of algae biomass in agriculture and industry;
- synthesis of ion-binding ligands - pollutants in the water environment.
- Ł. Tabisz, Z. Rozwadowski, A. Katrusiak, B. Łęska, Exploring ion-ion preferences through structure-property correlations: amino acid-derived, bis(guanidinium) disiloxane salts, Sci. Rep., 10(1) (2020) 646.
- Ł. Tabisz, J. Stanek, B. Łęska, „DIY" silica nanoparticles: Exploring the scope of a simplified synthetic procedure and absorbance-based diameter measurements, Materials, 13(14) (2020) 3088.
- I. Michalak, M. Andrys, M. Korczyński, S. Opaliński, B. Łęska, D. Konkol, R. Wilk, E. Rój, K. Chojnacka, Biofortification of hens eggs with polyunsaturated fatty acids by new dietary formulation: Supercritical microalgal extract, Animals, 10(3)(2020) 499.
- K. Korzeniowska, B. Łęska, P.P. Wieczorek, Isolation and determination of phenolic compounds from freshwater Cladophora glomerata, Algal Res., 48 (2020) 102912.
- J. Fabrowska, B. Messyasz, R. Pankiewicz, P. Wilińska, B. Łęska, Seasonal differences in the content of phenols and pigments in thalli of freshwater Cladophora glomerata and its habitat, Water Res., 135 (2018) 66-74.
- R. Pankiewicz, B. Łęska, B. Messyasz, J. Fabrowska, M. Sołoducha, M. Pikosz, First isolation of polysaccharidic ulvans from the cell walls of freshwater algae, Algal Res., 19 (2016) 348-354.
- J. Fabrowska, E. Ibanez, B. Łęska, M. Herrero, Supercritical fluid extraction as a tool to valorize underexploited freshwater green algae, Algal Res., 19 (2016) 237-245.
- Ł. Tabisz, A. Tukibayeva, R. Pankiewicz, M. Dobielska, B. Łęska, Disiloxanes and Functionalized Silica Gels: One Route, Two Complementary Outcomes—Guanidinium and Pyridinium Ion-Exchangers, PLoS ONE (2015) 10(12):e0145680.
- A. Rybak, B. Messyasz, B. Łęska, Freshwater Ulva (Chlorophyta) as a bioaccumulator of selected heavy metals (Cd, Ni and Pb) and alkaline earth metals (Ca and Mg), Chemosphere, 89 (2012) 1066-1076.