ProfessorPrzemysław Niedzielski

Przemysław Niedzielski conducts research in the field of analytical chemistry to develop new analytical procedures and prepares applications for the analysis of various samples: food, biological, geological and archaeological artefacts.
- ORCID 0000-0002-2787-9057
- Scopus 6701851274
- Google Scholar
- Baza Wiedzy UAM:
- Grupa badawcza analityki specjacyjnej i technik łączonych - Interdyscyplinarna Grupa Badawcza Archeometria
- 1995: Mgr
- 1999: Dr
- 2008: Dr hab.
- 2018: Profesor
- Microtrace analysis of various environmental and clinical samples
- Metals and metalloids speciation studies, sample fractionation
- Hyphenated techniques in speciation analysis
- Geochemical markers of deposits origin
- Archaeometry
- Phyto- and rhizoremediation of elements
- Research in polar areas
The most important publications:
- Juliana Silva Souza, Daniele Kasper, Larissa Schmauder Teixeira da Cunha, Tuany Alves Soares, Adriana Rodrigues de Lira Pessoa, Gabriel Oliveira de Carvalho, Erli Schneider Costa, Przemysław Niedzielski, Joao Paulo Machado Torres: Biological factors affecting total mercury and methylmercury levels in Antarctic penguins, Chemosphere 261 (2020) pp. 127713 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127713
- Jędrzej Proch, Przemysław Niedzielski: In–spray chamber hydride generation by multi–mode sample introduction system (MSIS) as an interface in the hyphenated system of high performance liquid chromatography and inductivity coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (HPLC/HG–ICP–OES) in arsenic species determination, Talanta 208 (2020) pp.
12039510.1016/j.talanta.2019.120395 - A. Michałowski, P. Niedzielski, L. Kozak, M. Teska, K. Jakubowski, M. Żółkiewski: Archaeometrical studies of prehistoric pottery using portable ED-XRF, Measurement 159 (2020) pp. 107758
10.1016/j.measurement.2020.107758 - Mariusz Gałka, Agnieszka Lewandowska, Przemysław Niedzielski, Thomas G Sim, Graeme T Swindles, Grzegorz Szczurek: Late Glacial and early Holocene development of an oxbow lake in Central Europe (Poland) based on plant macrofossil and geochemical data, The Holocene 30 (2020) pp. 178-189 10.1177/0959683619875803
- Sylwia Budzyńska, Przemysław Niedzielski, Mirosław Mleczek: Time-dependent changes of arsenic and its selected forms in a hydroponic experiment with Quercus robur L., Journal of Hazardous Materials (2020) pp. 124244 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124244
The list of publications is available at::