ProfessorVioletta Patroniak

- 1988 – M. Sc.
- 1995 – Ph. D.
- 2006 – Dr. Hab.
- 2014 – Professor
- Coordination chemistry
- Supramolecular chemistry
- Inorganic self-assembly
- Supramolecular architectures in complexes of d- and f-metal ions
- Hybrid materials
The most important publications:
1. M. A. Fik-Jaskółka, I. Pospieszna-Markiewicz, G. Roviello, M. Kubicki, W. Radecka-Paryzek, V. Patroniak, Synthesis and Spectroscopic Investigation of a Hexaaza Lanthanum(III) Macrocycle with a Hybrid-Type G4 DNA Stabilizing Effect, Inorg. Chem., 60, 2122 (2021)
2. S. Napierała, M. Kubicki, V. Patroniak, M. Wałęsa-Chorab, Electropolymerization of [2 × 2] grid-type cobalt(II) complex with thiophene substituted dihydrazone ligand, Electrochim. Acta, 369, 137656 (2021)
3. A. Bocian, W. Drożdż, M. Szymańska, J. Lewandowski, M. A. Fik-Jaskółka, A. Gorczyński, V. Patroniak, A. R. Stefankiewicz, Complex-Decorated Surfactant-Encapsulated Clusters (CD-SECs) as novel multidynamic hybrid materials, Nanoscale, 12, 4743 (2020)
4. M. Krystek, D. Pakulski, V. Patroniak, M. Górski, L. Szojda, A. Ciesielski, P. Samori, High performance graphene-based cementitious composites, Advanced Science 6, 9, 1801195, (2019)
5. . A. Gorczyński, J. Harrowfield, V. Patroniak, A. R. Stefankiewicz, Quaterpyridines as Scaffold for Functional Metallosupramolecular Materials, Chem. Rev., 116, 14620-14674 (2016)
6. V. Patroniak, A. R. Stefankiewicz, J.-M. Lehn, M. Kubicki, Self-assembly and characterization of grid-type copper(I), silver(I) and zinc(II) complexes, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 4168 (2005)
7. W. Radecka-Paryzek, V. Patroniak, J. Lisowski. Metal complexes of polyaza and polyoxa Schiff base macrocycles. Coord. Chem. Rev., 249, 2156 (2005)
- Head of Department of Functional Nanostructure Synthesis
- Chairman French-Polish Chemistry Congress in Paris at PAS, Polish Embassy and Paris Sorbonne University (2019)
- Organizer 1st and 2nd Assises Franco-Polonaises de Chimie in Paris at PAS, Polish Embassy (2018, 2015)
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (2019-2023)
- Member of the Chemical Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2019-2022)
- 2006: Award Witold Kemula’s of The Polish Society of Chemistry
- 2000: NATO’s fellowship for post-doc in laboratory of Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn at Institute of Science and Supramolecular Engineering (ISIS), University of Strasbourg, France
- 1999: fellowship of Italian Goverment for postdoc in group of Prof. Paolo Finnocchiaro, University of Catania