ProfessorMarcin Frankowski

Head of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry Department
- 22/11/2013: Habilitation in chemical sciences in the field of chemistry
Habilitation dissertation entitled: Nowe trendy w analizie specjacyjnej i frakcjonowaniu glinu (New trends in speciation analysis and fractionation of aluminum). - 25/09/2009: Doctoral studies completed with a PhD title in the area of chemical sciences in the field of chemistry doctoral dissertation entitled: Analiza specjacyjna we frakcjonowaniu i specjacja glinu w stalych próbkach środowiskowych w nowym układzie technik łączonych HPLC-FAAS (Speciation analysis in fractionation and speciation of aluminum in solid environmental samples by a new HPLC-FAAS hyphenated technique).
- 14/06/2005: Master of Science in chemistry.
ORCID: 0000-0001-6315-3758
Scopus Author Identifier: 57211894928
- Head of Department of Water and Soil Analysis
- Dean's representative for promotion (2013-2018)
- Member of the Dean Committee for Faculty development
- Member of the Dean Committee for the apparatus
- Member of the Laboratorium Przegląd Ogólnopolski Journal
- Member An International Separation Science Society
- Member of the Editorial Board of The Scientific World Journal
- Member of the Polish Chemical Society
- Analytical Chemistry
- Food Chemistry
- Environmental Analytical Chemistry
- Hyphenated techniques
- Application of the chemical modelling programs in analytical and environmental analytcial chemistry
ORCID: 0000-0001-6315-3758
Scopus Author Identifier: 57211894928
- Pacyna, A.D., Frankowski, M., Kozioł, K., Węgrzyn, M.H., Wietrzyk-Pełka, P., Lehmann-Konera, S., Polkowska, Ż. (2019) Evaluation of the use of reindeer droppings for monitoring essential and non-essential elements in the polar terrestrial environment. Science of the Total Environment. 658 (25), 1209-1218. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.232
- Michal Marciniak, Joanna Goscianska, Marcin Frankowski, Robert Pietrzak (2019) Optimal synthesis of oxidized mesoporous carbons for the adsorption of heavy metal ions. Journal of Molecular Liquids.DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2018.12.042
- Karaś, K.; Frankowski, M. (2018) Analysis of Hazardous Elements in Children Toys: Multi-Elemental Determination by Chromatography and Spectrometry Methods. Molecules, 23, 3017.
- Płotka-Wasylka, J.; Frankowski, M.; Simeonov, V.; Polkowska, Ż.; Namieśnik, J. (2018) Determination of Metals Content in Wine Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. Molecules, 23, 2886.
- Dąbrowski,A.Zioła-Frankowska, L. Kubaszewski,P.Rogala,M.Frankowski, THE CONTENT OF THE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS IN THEFEMORAL BONE IN PATIENTS WHO UNDERWENT TOTALHIP REPLACEMENTM, Osteoporos. Int. (2018)29(Suppl1):S149–S565.
- Kowalski A., Zioła-Frankowska A., Frankowski M. (2018) Effect on reclamation on mercury concentration in groundwater: a case study of Luboń Chemical Plant (Poznań, Poland), Environmental Earth Sciences. 77:678,
- Dąbrowski M., Zioła-Frankowska A., Kubaszewski Ł., Rogala P., Frankowski M., (2018) Urban and rural area differences in the interaction between oxidative process elements in human femoral bone, Environmental Science Pollution Research International. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-3053-4.
- Cegłowski, M., Gierczyk, B., Frankowski, M., Popenda, Ł. (2018) A new low-cost polymeric adsorbents with polyamine chelating groups for efficient removal of heavy metal ions from water solutions, Reactive and Functional Polymers, 131, 64-74.
- Pukacz A., Oszkinis-Golon M., Frankowski M., (2018) The physico-chemical diversity of pit lakes of the Muskau Arch (Western Poland) in the context of their evolution and genesis, Limnological Review. 18, 3: 115–126
- Monaghan T, Jilani T, Frankowski M, Spiewak K, Brindell M, (2018) PTU-048 Serum trace metal concentrations in clostridium difficile infection and their relationship to disease severity, Gut 67:A195-A196.
- Siudek P., Frankowski M., (2018) The Role of Sources and Atmospheric Conditions in the Seasonal Variability of Particulate Phase PAHs at the Urban Site in Central Poland, 18 (6), 1405-1418. DOI: 10.4209/aaqr.2018.01.0037 (IF=2.589).
- Broda, M., Mazela, B., Frankowski, M. (2018). Durability of wood treated with aatmos and caffeine – towards the long-term carbon storage. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 20(3), 455-468. (IF=1.014).
- Zioła-Frankowska A., Frankowski M. (2018) Speciation analysis of aluminium in plant parts of Bendula pendula and in soil. Journal of Environmental Sciences. Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), 65, pp. 153-161
- Goscianska, J., Ptaszkowska-Koniarz, M., Frankowski, M., Panek, R., Franus, W. (2018) Removal of phosphate from water by lanthanum-modified zeolites obtained from fly ash. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 513, pp. 72-81.