Associate ProfessorŁukasz Wolski

- 61 829 1603
3.33 / 3.35
Scientific portals:
- Habilitation: 2023
- Ph.D.: 2018
The main area of scientific interest is related to unraveling the correlations between the chemical composition, surface properties, microstructure, and reactivity of mixed metal oxide-based catalysts in the degradation of organic compounds through advanced oxidation processes. The scope of ongoing research is mainly concerned with the synthesis, characterization, and measurement of catalytic activity of new nanomaterials dedicated to the elimination of various pollutants from water (mainly antibiotics and organic dyes), as well as the selective production of high-value chemicals.
1. L. Wolski , K. Sobańska, M. Muńko, A. Czerniak, P Pietrzyk , Unraveling the Origin of Enhanced Activity of the Nb2O5/H2O2 System in the Elimination of Ciprofloxacin: Insights into the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Interface Processes, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (2022) 31824−31837
2. L. Wolski , K. Sobańska, G. Nowaczyk, M. Frankowski, M. Pietrowski, M. Jarek, M. Rozmyślak, P. Pietrzyk, Phosphate doping as a promising approach to improve reactivity of Nb2O5 in catalytic activation of hydrogen peroxide and removal of methylene blue via adsorption and oxidative degradation, Journal of Hazardous Materials 440 (2022) 129783
3. L. Wolski , K. Grzelak, M. Muńko, M. Frankowski, T. Grzyb, G. Nowaczyk, Insight into photocatalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin over CeO2/ZnO nanocomposites: Unravelling the synergy between the metal oxides and analysis of reaction pathways, Applied Surface Science 563 (2021) 150338
4. L. Wolski , K. Sobańska, A. Walkowiak, K. Akhmetova, J. Gryboś , M. Frankowski, M. Ziolek, P. Pietrzyk , Enhanced adsorption and degradation of methylene blue over mixed niobium cerium oxide Unraveling the synergy between Nb and Ce in advanced oxidation processes, Journal of Hazardous Materials 415 (2021) 125665
5. L. Wolski , M. El-Roz, M. Daturi, G. Nowaczyk, M. Ziolek, Insight into methanol photooxidation over mono (Au, Cu) and bimetallic (AuCu) catalysts supported on niobium pentoxide An operando IR study, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 258 (2019) 117978
6. L. Wolski , M. Ziolek, Insight into pathways of methylene blue degradation with H2O2 over mono and bimetallic Nb, Zn oxides, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 224 (2018) 634-647