Associate ProfessorJoanna Gościańska

- 2005 – M.Sc.
- 2009 – Ph.D.
- 2019 – D.Sc.
Prof. UAM Dr. Habil. Joanna Gościańska is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Chemistry of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (AMU). She obtained a Master’s degree in 2005, a doctoral degree in 2009, and a habilitation in 2019 in the field of chemistry. During her PhD studies, she participated in three research internships at Laboratoire Catalyse & Spectrochimie in Caen (France).
She is a principal investigator of SONATA grant of National Science Centre (Poland). Moreover, she participated as a performer in 10 grants (from National Centre for Research and Development, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and National Science Centre).
Prof. Joanna Gościańska was awarded with 21 scholarships and scientific awards (e.g. habilitation fellowship „L’ORÉAL-UNESCO FOR WOMEN IN SCIENCE”, scholarship for outstanding young scientist awarded by the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland, scholarship of the City of Poznań for young outstanding researchers from Poznań scientific community, scholarship of Kulczyk family).
Her principal interest is focused on synthesis, modification, characterization of porous materials (e.g. metal oxides, ordered mesoporous silica and carbons), and their application in adsorption processes, catalysis, drug delivery systems and environmental protection (air, soil and water pollution removal, neutralization of greenhouse gases).
Scientific achievements of Prof. Joanna Gościańska include 63 publications in journals from the JCR database, 12 publications in peer-reviewed journals not included in the JCR database, 7 book chapters, 22 post-conference proceedings, 1 book. She is also co-author of 160 presentations at international and national conferences.
- Scopus:
- Google Scholar:
- Researchgate:
- Member of Polish Carbon Society
- Member of Polish Chemical Society
- Editor in the journal „Environment Conservation Journal” – An International Journal devoted to Conservation of Environment
- Editor in the journal „Current Cosmetic Science”
- synthesis and functionalization of ordered mesoporous silica and carbons
- modification of zeolites obtained from fly ashes
- preparation of innovative delivery systems of active pharmaceutical ingredients whose effectiveness needs frequent dosage algorithms
- application of porous materials in adsorption of contaminants from liquids phase (dyes, phosphate, pesticides, natural radioactive nuclides, petroleum compounds) and gas phase (CO2)
- catalytic oxidation and reduction processes
Najważniejsze publikacje:
- J. Hwang, A. Ejsmont, R. Freund, J. Goscianska, B.V.K.J. Schmidt, S. Wuttke, „Controlling the morphology of metal-organic frameworks and porous carbon materials: metal oxides as primary architecture-directing agents”, Chemical Society Reviews 49 (2020) 3348-3422
- J. Goscianska, A. Malaika, “A facile post-synthetic modification of ordered mesoporous carbon to get efficient catalysts for the formation of acetins”, Catalysis Today 357 (2020) 84-93
- J. Goscianska, F. Ciesielczyk, „Lanthanum enriched aminosilane-grafted mesoporous carbon material for efficient adsorption of tartrazine azo dye”,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 280 (2019) 7-19
- J. Goscianska, A. Olejnik, W. Franus, „Multiple light scattering as a method to determine the dispersion stability of amino-functionalized mesoporous carbon”,Journal of Molecular Liquids 278 (2019) 1-4
- J. Goscianska, A. Olejnik, „Dispersion stability of the aminosilane-grafted mesoporous carbons in different solvents”, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 265 (2018) 149-141
- J. Goscianska, M. Ptaszkowska-Koniarz, M. Frankowski, M. Franus, R. Panek, W. Franus, „Removal of phosphate from water by lanthanum-modified zeolites obtained from fly ash”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 513 (2018) 72-81
- J. Goscianska, R. Pietrzak, J. Matos, „Catalytic performance of ordered mesoporous carbons modified with lanthanides in dry methane reforming”, Catalysis Today 301 (2018) 204-216
- J. Goscianska, N. Fathy, R. Aboelenin, „Adsorption of solophenyl red 3BL onto amine-functionalized mesoporous carbons”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 505 (2017) 593-604
- J. Goscianska, A. Olejnik, I. Nowak, M. Marciniak, R. Pietrzak, “Stability analysis of functionalized mesoporous carbon materials in aqueous solution”, Chemical Engineering Journal 290 (2016) 209-219
- 10. J. Goscianska, M. Ptaszkowska, R. Pietrzak, “Equilibrium and kinetic studies of chromotrope 2R adsorption onto ordered mesoporous carbons modified with lanthanum”, Chemical Engineering Journal 270 (2015) 140-149
- J. Goscianska, M. Marciniak, R. Pietrzak, „Ordered mesoporous carbons modified with cerium as effective adsorbents for azo dyes removal”, Separation and Purification Technology 154 (2015) 236-245
- J. Goscianska, M. Marciniak, R. Pietrzak, „Mesoporous carbons modified with lanthanum(III) chloride for methyl orange adsorption”, Chemical Engineering Journal 247 (2014) 258-264