Associate ProfessorAldona Jankowska

Associate Professor
Education and degrees
- 2019- Habilitation, Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Chemistry, Poznań, Poland “Encapsulation of selected chemical compounds in the molecular sieve matrices.
- Preparation, characterization and applications”
- 2004 - Ph.D. (Chemistry), Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Chemistry, Poznań, Poland “Synthesis of crystalline molecular sieves and their modification by means of encapsulation”
- 1997 - M.Sc. (Chemistry), Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Chemistry, Poznań, Poland „Modification of anionic clays with heteropoly compounds”
Professional experience
- 2019 – up to now - Associate Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Chemistry, Poznań, Poland
- 2005-2019 – Assistant Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Chemistry, Poznań, Poland
- Member of Polish Zeolites Association
- Member of International Zeolite Association
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Chemical Sciences discipline
- 2004: Polish Science Foundation Scholarship - Conference Scholarship
- 2003, 2007, 2009: AMU Rector's Award for achievements in scientific work, didactic and organizational
- synthesis, modification and characterization of molecular sieves;
- heterogeneous catalysis;
- encapsulation;
- proton conductivity
- A. Jankowska, A. Ostrowski, S. Kowalak, Proton conductivity of imidazole entrapped in H-forms of MFI zeolites, Microporous and Mesoporous Mater. 298 (2020) 110059
- A. Jankowska, A. Ostrowski, M. Zieliński, S. Kowalak, Influence of zeolite acidity on proton conductivity of FAU embedded imidazole, Microporous and Mesoporous Mater. 274 (2019) 33
- M. Łukarska, A. Jankowska, J. Gapiński, S. Valable, C. Anfray, B. Menard, S. Mintova, S. Kowala, Encapsulation of fluorescein into nanozeolites L and Y, Microporous and Mesoporous Mater. 260 (2018) 70
- A. Jankowska, A. Zalewska, A. Skalska, A. Ostrowski, S. Kowalak, Proton conductivity of imidazole entrapped in microporous molecular sieves, Chem. Comm. 53 (2017) 2475
- M. Łukarska, A. Jankowska, J. Gapiński, S. Valable, C. Anfray, B. Menard, S. Mintova, S. Kowalak, Synthesis of fluorescein by ship-in-a-bottle method in different zeolites New Journal of Chemistry 41 (2017) 9969
- M. Łukarska, A. Jankowska, J. Gapiński, S. Valable, C. Anfray, B. Menard, S. Mintova, S. Kowala, Synthesis and encapsulation of fluorescein in zeolite Y, Microporous and Mesoporous Mater. 236 (2016) 79
- S. Kowalak, A. Jankowska, A. Zywert, Pigments with Molecular Sieve Matrices Current Physical Chemistry 2 (2012) 200-210
- A. Jankowska, S. Kowalak Inorganic sulfur pigments based on nanoporous materials: Ordered Porous Solids, V. Valtchev, S. Mintova, M. Tsapatsis (Edytorzy) Elsevier 2009 (ISBN 978-0-444-53189-6), 591-620